Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Planner or Pantser? Which One are You?

Stacy Eaton was very kind enough to visit my blog today.  Stacy has written two books which is a part of  My Blood Runs Blue Series.

My Blood Runs Blue.jpgBlue Blood for Life.jpg

Thank you so much Geraldine for allowing me to visit your website today!! I am excited to be stopping by and sharing with your readers about how I write.

Planner or Pantser? Which One are You?

People have asked if I plan out my writing or if I write as it comes.  While I plan out everything in my life, I keep lists and I have calendars; when it comes to writing… I wing it.

I don’t sit down and do outlines.  I don’t plot out characters and keep a lot of notes.  I let the action flow through my mind and the words follow.  When I wrote My Blood Runs Blue, the idea came out of nowhere and I had never written a book before. I sat down – I typed and the story just came.  About half way through I started wondering how the story was going to end.  Over a weekend while I was working the ideas played through my mind and the ending was settled.  I sat down that following Monday morning and wrote out the last few chapters.  Then I went back and filled in the missing parts to make it all run smoothly.

With Blue Blood for Life, I did basically the same thing.  I knew what I wanted to achieve in the book, the basic plot line, but I didn’t make notes or write out outlines.  I just sat and wrote.  This time I knew where the ending was going from the beginning of my writing and I wrote the book in sequence. 

The next book to be published is not from the My Blood Runs Blue series, it’s a dramatic fiction novel about domestic violence called, “Whether I’ll Live or Die”.  I actually wrote the prologue and the first two chapters and then wrote the last chapter.  I actually came up with the whole concept of the book in about 30 minutes.  I was taking my daughter someplace and we were in the car, both of us lost in our thoughts and the music and this plotline came to me.

After I had dropped her off, I went home and typed up the three chapters.  Then I started working on the others.  I am now about two-thirds of the way through and hoping to have this book out in April.
I don’t know why I write this way, I just know that doing it this way works for me.  I have many friends that have to sit down and plan.  They have to plot out the twists, and make lists of the characters.  I guess I am blessed that I can keep it all straight in my head for the time being.  I am sure that as I get older and more characters enter my mind that I will need to do more plotting and make more notes to keep them all straight. 
No matter which way an author writes, know that the time and attention they put into the plot line and the characters is a lot of time and a lot of energy.  To build our characters so that you can like them or hate them and sometimes totally relate to them is a hard but fulfilling thing to do. 

About my series:
My Blood Runs Blue&Blue Blood for Life are the first two books in the series.  Take a trip in to the land of Fawn Hollow Township where the vampires and the police work side by side to deal with life’s little situations.  Read and feel the story through the minds of multiple characters as I bring several of them to life from chapter to chapter.  Learn about the half-breeds and the reason why Julian and Alexander believe Calista really exists 30 years later.  Hold on tight while you are taken on a constant roller coaster ride with twists and turns you never imagined.   I challenge you to enter the world and see if you can figure out what will happen before it does.

Stacy works in Law Enforcement full time and uses her experience to make the stories more believable; weaving bits of crime solving knowledge into her stories of fiction to make them more lifelike. She writes using a unique style that keeps you in the minds of all the important characters. Switching back and forth from mind to mind to keep the readers aware of what each character is feeling and why they do the things they do.
Stacy is the wife of a police officer and mother of two.  Her son is proudly serving in the United States Navy while her daughter attends school in Pennsylvania with her parents.

She has a great love for photography and normally has it with her or as far away as her car when she is out and about.  Her favorite things to photograph are things from nature, landscapes and animals.You can learn more about Stacy and her work by visiting the following sites:

Visit my Blog:

Available at: Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Outskirts Press, Inc.

Thank you again Geraldine for allowing me to visit! I hope to hear from your readers!


  1. Thank you Geraldine!!! It was a true pleasure to be on your site today!!!

  2. I love this! I'm a pantsing-plottter. There are times when I have to sit down and plot out a generic outline but mostly I'm a pantser. There's nothing like writing by the seat of your pants!

    Here's what I had to say on it a few months ago. :)

  3. Great post! I'm mostly a pantser too, though I will write the occasional note or two when I'm stuck or come up with an idea to include at a later time of the story.

  4. I am both. Sometimes I have a rough outline in my head and sometimes a character sidles into my mind and will give me no peace until I give into the demand to tell her story.

    I have one such character accomplished and talented woman whose life has unravelled in a very public way. When I first met her I didn't like her at she's demanding I get to know her and tell her story as she picks herself up and starts over. And I'm reminded of my father's words of wisdom... "There's good in the worst of us and bad in the best of us."
    I'm going to have to dig deep on this one...I have the character now all I need is the plot to guide her by.

  5. Shirley sounds like a great character!! I love strong women!!!! Thank you so much for visiting!! You too Em and Andrea!!! Thank you!

  6. Thanks for sharing your views, guys. I am definitely a pantser and feel most creative when I listen to my characters.
